zip code 43215

Your Local Dealer is

Klaus Roofing of Ohio

Steve Kistner

Klaus Roofing St. Louis

Title: Director of Sales
Hometown: Eureka, Missouri
Steve Kistner from Klaus Roofing St. Louis

Wife: Tonya

Children: Stephen Jr., Rebecca, Joshua, Lacy, and Anna

Dog: Bailey

Steve now serves Klaus Roofing Saint Louis as the Director of Sales. He has experience in construction, sales, and sales managerment. He has trained, managed, and motivated sales teams for over 20 years. 

His daily responsibilities include sales training, coaching, and development of the sales teams. His favorite aspect of the company and his job is the culture.

Steve is a Certified Sales & Marketing Excutive (SMEI), Miller Herman Certified Sales Trainer, and a United States Navy veteran. 

In his free time, Steve enjoys restoring classic cars, going to car shows, and spending time doing family activities

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